
The grading of ngo/npo/trust/vo is expected to help them in the following ways:

• Improve visibility among government/nongovernment/csr corporate and foreign funding agency’s in the sector
• Improve availability of credit at better terms and conditions
• Strengthen process orientation in operations which will be beneficial from the point of view of a move towards scalability and sustainability
• Dissemination of information between different ngo/npo/trust/vo which helps in continuous improvement by imbibing the learning’s from each others’ mistakes and working.
• Reflection of transparency and integrity to supporting partners and government/nongovernment/csr corporate and foreign funding agency’s and also information sharing will help in developing policy guidelines for different institutions and establishing standards in the sector nicra undertakes gradings of ngo/npo/trust/vo as part of an action towards government/nongovernment/csr corporate and foreign funding agency’s accelerating the chanelisation of credit to the weaker sections of society through these gradings.